
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Webinar Followup (Nov. 12) - In Search of Plan Stability - Part 2

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but thanks to everyone who attended my November 12th webinar entitled In Search of Plan Stability - Part 2. You can download the presentation materials from these links:

Presentation PDF


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blog articles at Toad World

I just wanted to point you to the blog articles I've been posting over at Toad World in case you're wondering why there aren't many articles showing up here.

So, go take a look!

Karen's Toad World Blog

Friday, August 29, 2014

Webinar Followup (Aug. 27): In Search of Plan Stability - Part 1

Thanks to everyone who attended my August 27th webinar entitled In Search of Plan Stability - Part 1. You can download the presentation materials from these links:

Presentation PDF

Come back in November for Part 2. Hope to see you then!


Monday, August 18, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Oracle Bug alert (Bug 19384287)

Heads up to all the folks running and above if you're using function-based indexes! There's a new Oracle bug 19384287. I'll fill you in with a complete post over at Toad World.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Young Programmer's Camp

I made a short post over at ToadWorld about bringing my nephew to my office in Dallas this week for a Young Programmer's camp. He had a great time as far as I could gauge the excitement of a 16 year old boy (errrrrr....young man)! He rocked it out creating several different game knock-offs and got a feel for what it would be like to be a software developer. Fun stuff!

Tracing Code with DBMS_MONITOR

Take a look at the follow-up to my DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO post over at ToadWorld. I discuss how to use DBMS_MONITOR to trace the specific sections of code you registered with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.  

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Instrumenting Your Code using DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO

Head on over to my post at Toad World to read all the details about instrumenting your code with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Blogging at Toad World

In order to help me stick to my commitment to blog more regularly, I've joined the blogging community at Toad World. I'll link to most posts from there as I make them (I love knocking down two targets with one arrow) and keep on track for at least one post a week moving forward. Yea!

You can read my brief hello over at Toad World here. Stay tuned in the weeks ahead for a series of posts on Oracle performance, SQL and the optimizer. I'm going to start with a few posts on code instrumentation and move on to cover many of the suggested topics I received from you all. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weekly posts - Anyone got any ideas?

I've decided to get back in the groove of making more regular blog posts and have an intention to blog at least once a week in the coming months to get myself back in the habit. While I always seem to have a head full of stuff that never makes it to the blog, I thought I'd ask you all if you have any topic suggestions?

At this point in time, I'm not sure anyone drops by here much since my posts have been mainly announcing webinars and providing follow-ups. But, I figured I'd put it out there and see if anyone still has their ears on.  :)  So, if you've got something you'd like to hear about, leave me a comment and I'll see if I can supply something suitable.

If I don't get any suggestions, I'll just ramble on what happens to be in the front of my brain at the moment.  :)

Cheers everyone!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Writing SQL Right - May 20 webinar wrap-up

Thanks to everyone for attending today's Writing SQL Right webinar sponsored by Embarcadero. For attendees, Embarcadero will send out a link via email to the recording and PDF of the presentation, but I also wanted to post it here.

Presentation PDF
Webinar recording

Thanks again and stay tuned for additional webinars coming soon!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Upcoming Webinar: Writing SQL Right on May 20

Coming up on May 20, I'll be delivering a webinar entitled Oracle SQL Performance: Writing SQL Right. Registration is now open. Once again the webinar will be hosted by Embarcadero and there will be two sessions - one at 10am ET and one at 2pm ET.

There are many ways to write a SQL statement that may lead to the functionally correct answer. However, we often get stuck in a rut using the same SQL syntax over and over even when there may be a better way to write the SQL to enhance performance. Some techniques worked great in previous Oracle versions but changes in the optimizer with the later versions made the behavior of those techniques change and, in many cases, regress.

This session covers a number of common anti-patterns that can be rewritten to provide enhanced performance and will help you learn how to:

  • Recognize certain patterns that can be sub-optimal. 
  • Analyze the "performance footprint" of certain patterns. 
  • Rewrite the anti-patterns to use less resources and take less time to execute. 

I look forward to "seeing" you there!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Effective Indexing Webinar

Thanks to everyone for attending today's Effective Indexing webinar sponsored by IOUG with Embarcadero. For attendees, IOUG will likely send out a link to the recording and PDF of the presentation, but I also wanted to post it here.

Presentation PDF
Webinar recording

Please note that during the webinar I mentioned the new clustering factor calculation available in 12c and also available in some patchsets for 11g releases. The patch number I referred to is incorrect. Instead, please search for the Bug/Enhancement article in MOS. You can find it by searching for "Bug 13262857 - Enh: provide some control over DBMS_STATS index clustering factor computation (Doc ID 13262857.8)."

Thanks again and stay tuned for additional webinars coming soon!