Thursday, June 24, 2010

My favorite parts of today

Every night over dinner my daughter asks me "what was your favorite part of the day Momma"? Well, tonight I had several favorite things to share. My first favorite was that I found an Oracle bug that has to do with subquery factoring (I'm going to blog about this one soon). And my second favorite (well, it's really my *most* favorite) was spending some fun time at the beach with my kiddo. Looks like we had fun doesn't it?!?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I should've been in movies...

Have you seen the movie Avatar? If not, this will just look like a crazily distorted blue photo of me. But, if you saw the movie, you'll see me as a Na'vi. Cool, huh?!?

I loved the movie (it was fabulous in 3D!) and if you haven't seen it yet, check out the trailer.